
Your Friendly Neighborhood Type 1

Spider-man reference anyone? Okay, that was pretty low-hanging fruit I'll admit. However, as well as being dumb it also is laced with meaning; that what I'm going to talk about isn't exactly rare or taboo, and that I'm guessing 70% of you reading this either have it, or know someone who does. But, just because something is common, doesn't mean that my own capacity to talk about it is any less relevant. As a heads up, in this post I'll be talking about what this all is, and my own personal journey. Took some pictures just to give you glimpse into the medical equipment that I use on a daily basis. So as I'm sure some of you have guessed, I'm talking about Type 1 Diabetes today, and what a life with it is like. People hear the word 'diabetes' and immediately are thrown off thinking about Type 2, but there are some clear differences. I wanted to write this to educate some of you, because trust me, meeting someone who knows even the bare minimu

The First Post!

Well, here we are - the first blog post!  (Hellraiser, 1987.) I think the image above accurately sums up my emotions trying to set this thing up. I have a complicated love-hate relationship with technology; it's amazing and rage-inducing.  I chose to use Blogger to construct this site as it's one of the more user friendly options for average Joe's like me who don't have coding skills.However, my non-existent coding skills were called to the table when some changes wouldn't save; I had to crack open HTML - what joy. Anyway, I'll stop lamenting over that. So if you've followed me for any amount of time at all , you might have noticed I have a lot of ideas which I don't follow through. Annoying, I know . I find this aspect of my personality frustrating, so for once I'm going to try not to half-ass it. I had the idea for a blog literally yesterday, so I'm thinking that if I get on this quickly, I can sustain it and make it something of